In Angular 16 Signals were introduced in developer preview. From the documentation:

“A signal is a wrapper around a value that can notify interested consumers when that value changes. Signals can contain any value, from simple primitives to complex data structures.”

Perfect! It seems I can use it in an State Store for change tracking state objects. So let’s start

A State Store with Angular Signals

First of all I need a type to hold some state. To keep it simple I will re-use the counter state which I have used before in some former State Store examples:

export type CounterState = {
    counter: number;

The next step is to implement a generic State Store base class using Signals. In the past I have created a similar one with the BehaviourSubject type of the RXJS library. I just refactored this a bit into:

import { Injectable, Signal, signal } from '@angular/core';

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class StateStoreBase<T> {
  protected _state = signal<T>({} as T);

  public get currentValue(): Signal<T> {
    return this._state.asReadonly();

  public nextValue(item: T) {

By using Signals we don’t have a dependency on the RXJS library anymore. The signal needs to be initialized by some default: protected _state = signal<T>({} as T);

The readonly currentValue property returns the Signal. This property will be used in databinding later.

To submit a new counter value we can use the nextValue function.

The store actions are defined with an interface, for the CounterStateStore the actions are: increment, decrement and reset:

export interface CounterStateStoreActions {
    increment(): void;
    decrement(): void;
    reset(): void;

Now we can create the CounterState store which derives from the StateStoreBase and implements the CounterStateStoreActions:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CounterState } from '../state/counter-state';
import { CounterStateStoreActions } from '../state-actions/counter-state-store-actions';
import { StateStoreBase } from './state-store-base';

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class CounterStateStore 
  extends StateStoreBase<CounterState> 
  implements CounterStateStoreActions
    protected constructor() {
      const initialState: CounterState = {counter: 0}; 

    public increment(): void {
      this.executeStateAction((state: CounterState) => state.counter++);

    public decrement(): void {
      this.executeStateAction((state: CounterState) => state.counter--);

    public reset(): void {
      this.executeStateAction((state: CounterState) => state.counter = 0);

    private executeStateAction(action: Function) {
      const state: CounterState = this.currentValue();

Last step for now is to run some specs a verify it is working as expected:

import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';

import { CounterStateStore } from './counter-state-store';
import { CounterState } from '../state/counter-state';

describe('CounterStateStore', () => {
  let stateStore: CounterStateStore;

  beforeEach(() => {
    stateStore = TestBed.inject(CounterStateStore);

  it('should be created', () => {

  it ('should initialize with zero', () => {
    const value: CounterState = stateStore.currentValue();

  it ('increment should add one to counter', () => {

    const value: CounterState = stateStore.currentValue();

  it ('decrement should subtract one to counter', () => {

    const value: CounterState = stateStore.currentValue();

  it ('reset should reset counter', () => {

    const value: CounterState = stateStore.currentValue();

And it is Green, Green, Green for now. In the next post I will use this Object Store in a view and use databinding to connect it to a user interface.